A blockchain stamp is a valid postage stamp, i.e. it can be used for sending post just like any other stamp. Our "Stamp 4.0" and "Stamp 4.1" also have an integrated SQR code. When the SQR code is scanned with the corresponding app, the stamp becomes visible as a digital twin/view in your collection in the app. After successful verification, you can save your stamp as an event in the blockchain. This gives your stamp a digital CV. These innovations make crypto stamps forgery-proof, interactive and exciting.
You can store further events in the blockchain. This includes your collector's item and your puzzle success. This is also possible with non-verified stamps
Download the app from the Google Play Store. You will find the QR code on the packaging of your stamp. Once you have downloaded the app, scan your stamp. Then follow the instructions in the app. For successful verification, you will need a suitable smartphone with a macro lens, e.g. the Samsung S21 Ultra 5G. Once the stamp has been verified as genuine, you can store it in the blockchain.
This may occur depending on the mobile phone model. We recommend that Android users scan the SQR code in the app. For iOS users, we recommend downloading the Cognex Corporation barcode scanner from the Apple Store and scanning the code with it.
There is currently no app for the iPhone. However, we are already working on this! iPhone users can register for a newsletter that will inform them when the iOS app is available for download.
After downloading from the Google Play Store, an account must first be created:
There are a total of 8 different collectibles that can be collected:
I.D. Princess Marie:
Behind every stamp is a collector's item with a corresponding puzzle. By scanning the stamp
the collectible becomes visible on the website and in the app.
As soon as all puzzles have been solved, the special puzzle of the collector's item is unlocked.
The collectible and the puzzle success can also be stored in the blockchain.
This is possible at any time by purchasing additional stamps, either at post offices or online.
The leaderboard crowns the Stamp Prince of Liechtenstein! With every stamp you collect and every puzzle you solve, you collect points that add up in the leaderboard and bring you closer to 1st place. You will appear in the leaderboard with your user name and the flag of your country of origin.
No, this is not a competition.
Easter Eggs sind verborgene, zusätzliche Funktionen in Apps oder Computerspielen. Easter Eggs können auch in Filmen vorkommen und überraschen dann oft das Publikum. Unsere Easter Eggs haben wir an verschiedene Stellen auf unserer Webseite und im Onlineshop versteckt. Schau dich nach QR-Codes um - vielleicht findest du einen Hinweis und bald schon dein erstes Easter Egg!