The terms “equality” and “equal rights” are widely recognised. Indeed,
for many years they have been enshrined in law in many countries of the
Western world. But is that enough? How can a society practise true
equality? As early as the 6th century B.C., the Chinese philosopher Lao
Tzu stated: “To regard differences as equality, that is true greatness.”
approach this theme with the new special stamp “equal=equal” (face
value: CHF 2.40). As just one of countless examples of the challenges
surrounding the subject of equality, we have chosen Braille, a tactile
writing system developed for visually impaired people. The equals sign
(=) is graphically depicted once in Braille and once in black print. The
neon yellow background draws the viewer’s attention to the sign.
individual Braille characters consist of six dots, three arranged
vertically and two horizontally. These form the grid for the
combinations with which letters, numbers and other characters are
represented. For correct legibility of the character on the special
stamp, the upper two dots were punched and the lower four dots were