“Beigla” (face value: CHF 1.10) are tally sticks on which in olden days
members of farmers’ alpine cooperatives etched their shares in forest
and grazing rights. Their legal rights were recorded as notches made in
tally sticks and were in use in the Liechtenstein mountain community of
Triesenberg until the middle of the 19th century. Researchers assume
that the term Beigla was derived from the Alemannic Beiala (notch).
best-preserved, almost complete set of such tally sticks records the
distribution of shares in the mountain pastures of Gross- and Chleistäg
as well as Silum in Triesenberg. It comprises 59 pieces of wood of
different sizes, onto which the members of the cooperative etched their
respective share: a full transverse notch corresponds to a share, a half
notch to a half share and a dot to a quarter of a pasture share.
order to match the tally sticks with their owners, in addition to the
shares, a symbol indicating the corresponding household was also etched
onto the tally sticks. Afterwards, the Beigla were bundled together on a
string and usually kept in a drawer in the sacristy of the parish
church. Changes in ownership were only allowed to be etched in the
presence of the parish priest, judges, church stewards and jurors as
well as alpine bailiffs.