The "Noble Crayfish" (face value: CHF 1.50) and the "Weasel" (face
value: CHF 1.50) are the motifs of Liechtenstein's Europa stamps this
year. The member states of the association of European public postal
operators (PostEurop) issue stamps on a common theme each year; in 2021
it is "Endangered National Wildlife".
As the world's
smallest predator, the weasel populates large parts of Europe and lives
wherever there are field mice and shelters. It differs from its close
relative, the ermine, by its small body mass and short tail, which lacks
the black tip. The marten species is threatened by urban sprawl, traffic
and the loss of land as it is now extensively used for agricultural
Characteristic of the noble crayfish are its claws,
which are reddish in colour on the underside and at the joints. As a
local resident, it prefers lowland streams and still waters and is
predominantly nocturnal. Water pollution, accumulation of mud, but
especially monotonous watercourse construction and improper fishing are
major threat factors. However, the greatest threat to all native
crayfish species is the crayfish plague.