Principality of Liechtenstein

The Principality of Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is located in the center of the European Alps, between Switzerland and Austria and has around 38,500 inhabitants. The 160 km2 country is the fourth smallest state in Europe and the sixth smallest in the world. The Principality of Liechtenstein combines everything your heart desires: an impressive mountain landscape, a vibrant culture, charming villages and business opportunities.


No moon landing without Liechtenstein

Did you know that Liechtenstein was on board the first manned moon landing in 1969? In preparation for the Apollo 11 mission, a Liechtenstein company (Balzers AG, now OC Oerlikon Balzers AG) analysed how materials change when they leave the Earth's atmosphere and used the results to produce a protective coating for the rocket. NASA thanked the Principality by flying the Liechtenstein flag - the size of a cigarette packet - to the moon and back. At the end of the mission, Liechtenstein received not only its miniature flag back, but also a few grams of moon rock. Today, visitors can admire the extraterrestrial gift from the moon and the miniature flag in the Principality's Treasure Chamber in Vaduz.


The Monarchy

Princely House

The Principality at a glance

Liechtenstein Center

Arts & Culture

Museums and more